
Me and my man only just moved in to our house, august 1 to be exact. And we do have a lot of work to do, fortunently for us, non of the work is something that has to be done right away. So we cant take it a little at the time.
We started the first step by installing a dishwasher in hour kitchen. And I am so happy that I was at work when CB (my man) and his brother was doing this, because the pictures I got on my phone made me not wanting to come home untill it was done.
But The end result turned out great, so I am not complaining.
The next thing CB started to work on was putting in kables so that I can have a tv in our room, and internet in our basement and attic. I`m sure I`m gonna love the end result, but it can be a tad bit exhausting, when I am going to bed and the tv is in my bed... And it`s an old tv so I cant carry it...
One thing is surten, when it comes time for the big things to get done, I am hireing professionals, and going on vacation untill there done.
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