Thursday, September 28, 2006


First of I have to say that I am a cold person. In tha way that I don`t express my emotions in a big way. It takes a lot for me to get exited over something, og angry for that matter. This is not a feature I am proud to posess. It`s more an irritating thing.

I am also not comfortable with people invading my personal space. Like hugging at all times. I don`t like it when people can se what I am doing on the computer either. And thats even if I am not doing anythig wrong or unsuiteble...

About hugging
I can acctually not remember my mother hugging me once while growing up. I`m sure that she hugged me when I was a baby, but probably not mutch. I can remember me giving my mother a hug once, when I was about 13 years old, and her reaction was not normal. She was baffled and confused, but then she pulled her self together and smiled. I think this can explane my aversion torwards hugging.

There is, in my opinion a time and place for everything, and that goes for hugging. I can hug babies and children without a problem, CB is also ok to hug, but everybody else, it just creeps me out. I feel it is unnaturall, and makes me feel uncomfortable.

I remember when I was a teenager and all of a sudden it became a popular thing to hug you friends hello and goodbye, (I still dont know how I got thrue that) I did however get pretty good at diverting the attension away from myself, and therbye dodging a few hugs (but I think I was considered a bit weird by some)

What I am trying to make my point is that hugging is something that should be reserved for the times that its needed in order to make it special and meaningfull, amongst grownups. When it comes to kids and your significant other, they should be hugged a lot so that they don`t go end up like an emotional retard like me

ps: I do like CB`s hugs, but not when he has a little bit beard and rubs it hard in my neck, (though he loves to do that)

Now I gotta work a little


Blogger Anette said...

Internet hugs are the best ;) I can live with them


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